I'm Reigniting My Blog!

I’m so delighted you’ve come to travel with me!

I’m joyously reigniting my blog, something that has been persistently whispering to me for some time now, both within and out. I keep running into writers of one kind or another. Today I received the sparks that finally rekindled my writing fire.

I’m currently on a plane en route home for a much-desired visit with family, friends, and my beloved SoCal foothills and palm trees. While at the airport I talked with two people, both of whom began conversations with me. The first was in the unusually long TSA pre-check line. The woman in front of me was hauling a large handbag full of books. I asked if she had just presented somewhere. Turns out she was on a tour to promote the book she had just published! I asked what had prompted her to write it. She shared she felt persistent nudgings to do so. Not knowing where it will go, she decided to do so, and is simply honoring that. I told her about the messages I kept getting. She said, and now you’ve received another from a stranger!

The second was at the gate and the man next to me started up a delightful conversation on travel and a past trip to India. We talked at length about our experiences there. The roads filled with car, buses, bike rickshaws, auto rickshaws, people, cows…all together. Then we veered onto the blog path and he shared how he had wanted to write a book about math for children and during the pandemic he started a few chapters. He decided to begin posting the content as a blog to motivate him to keep going and begin to get the content out there. Again, a nudging to write a book, and here was a great strategy, and one I’d already been inclined toward.

So here I am! Back to posting! I’m going to begin with some of the travel blogs I wrote years ago on travelblog.org. Stay tuned for a post on my trip to Kolkata back in 2006. Oh the joys of re-walking memory lane.