Snail's Pace
The morning view (that’s the Dead Sea glimmering in the distance!). Mount of Olives, Jerusalem
Hello, little snail.
There is something encouraging in the slowness, the struggle, the stretch, the strength, and the success of a snail. And, all while balancing it's shell, it's place of respite, on it's back the journey long... I've been struggling to find my rhythm here in Jerusalem with its many new demands, both exciting and challenging. I am trying to navigate how to honor both the necessary tasks and the constant pull to simply be here.
When I spotted these little creatures the last two mornings during my meditation they gave me pause. I watched them, opening myself to what they had to teach me.
I saw an invitation in their pace, even their stillness. It takes me longer to do some daily life tasks, I'm now walking or taking the bus everywhere, for example. Life is slower. And I rather like that. But also because of that I have to accept I may have to do less. Reduce my demands on myself. Sift and discover what really matters. Then offer my best self with the energy and time I have.
Ah, how encouraging.
And you know, I don't think the particular pace matters so much as being true to the pace we sense we need be moving at, or are capable of, at any given time. Then, embracing that and being present moment to moment at that pace.
Wow, would you look at that? I got to experience simply being here while in the midst of honoring my necessary tasks.
There’s hope for you too!